Welcome to my world

Hey, Jenn here! Welcome to my little corner of the web known as Rose Tinted! What you'll find here is all my lovely junk *huggles junk* and fanlisting stuff from The Fanlistings Network, so click onward to go to what you want to see.

I'm an October 10th baby!


I run 15 fanlistings, co-own 1 fanlisting and have 0 to build. There are 3254 (+2) fans listed, I've joined 105 listings and have 23 lovely affiliates.


October 18, 2024: Cinderella (2015) fanlisting is open!
June 9, 2022: Beauty and the Beast (2017) fanlisting is open!
March 5, 2022: 50 First Dates fanlisting is open!
March 5, 2022: Wedding Crashers fanlisting is open!
February 28, 2022: Do You Want to Build a Snowman? fanlisting is open!


This website belongs to Jenn Franklin, who resides in a quiet town somewhere in the USA. My virtual home has been online for many years and will continue on until I get bored with it. Hosting is from my lovely friends at! *huggles*

The amazing layout was designed by Lorian! ♥