Welcome to
From Darkness to Light, the
Beauty and the Beast fanlisting. If you're a fan of this 2017 movie starring Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans and more, please feel free to
join! A fanlisting is a site that lists all the fans of a particular subject, so
add your name to the
list! (remember to
link back if you have a site.)
I would like to give a shout out to the beautiful layouts Iris ♥ ( made when she owned the previous fanlisting for the movie.
Last update: 24th February 2025
Welcome, Penny
There are currently 18 fans listed, and 0 waiting to be included on the list!
Part of: The Fanlistings Network + The Movielistings NetworkWebsite
The fanlisting is owned by
Jenn and is hosted at We are a non-profit site, with our only purpose being to list and bring fans of Beauty and the Beast together.
The amazing layout was designed by Mal! ♥