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to the Danielle Harris fanlisting! We first saw Danielle in the Halloween movies, where in Halloween 4 & 5 she played Jamie Lloyd, the young niece of psychopath Michael Myers. Since that time, (and some before) she's done more movies, TV and voice work. Since August 31, 2007, she's played Annie Brackett, in the remake (well, re-imagining, according to Rob Zombie) of the original Halloween. In 2009, Danielle reprised the role in Halloween II. She did such an awesome job in both movies, and she's such a talented actress in general, who we would love to see in a thousand more movies! A fanlisting exists to display and join together all the fans of a subject, and that's what this site is here for, so come and join!

Last update: 24th February 2025
Listed at: The Fanlistings Network
Webmistresses: Lacy & Stephanie
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We have a total of 128 fans listed, and 0 waiting to be added. Welcome, Rose Myst

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