About Damon

This section will give you a quick look at Damon as a character, giving information and a brief history, before we go deeper into the way the character works.

His Name

Damon means ‘loyal’ or ‘constant’ in Greek, but Kabalarians describe those with the name Damon to be a independent person which fits neatly with the portrayal of Damon – he isn’t a person to be weighed down with responsibilities. The name also describes him as a quick-thinker, but also reserved. People with this name, when in the right mood can be charming, but cross them and they will become temperamental and moody. However, the name generator also said that Damon’s enjoy nature, are self-conscious and are reserved around strangers. So you never know do you?

Salvatore, as was pointed out by Damon in VD3, means ‘savior’ and is an Italian name. Name analysis describes those with this name to, from an early age desire a high standard of living and prestige. The person finds it easy to converse with others however, the "desire to possess and direct those closest to you could result in shattered ideals and losses in the affections". Salvatores can also have uncontrolled outbursts of temper could cause problems in close personal relationships but are intrigued by challenges and have an impulsive nature. This last part fits in quite nicely with the information L.J. Smith provides her readers. Both Damon and his father have a quick temper that can get the better of them, but they seem to try and recover their calm exterior in front of others.

A History

Born during the 1500s, in Renaissance Italy, Damon Salvatore had everything he could desire. His father, Conte de Salvatore was one of the leading men in Florence and Damon was born to wealth and privilege. Being the first child, Damon developed a close relationship with his mother, however some years after his birth, Damon’s mother fell pregnant again, and Stefan was born. But - due to complications in the pregnancy, their mother suffered an illness and died shortly after.

During his life, Damon made sure that he was always one step ahead of his brother. This seems in part to the effect that the death of their mother had on Damon. Their mother died when both Stefan and Damon were very young and since then Damon had been resentful of Stefan. Stefan himself, believes Damon blamed Stefan for their mother’s death. The death of his mother also seemed to cause a rift between him and his father that continued into his adult-hood.

Damon seems to have rebelled against what his family expected of him and also, what was normal at the time - at University, instead of upholding the family honour, he indulged in his own pleasures – hunting, hawking and women. After some time he decided that he had had enough of University and its constraints and went back to the Salvatore estate, where they had a visitor – Katherine von Swarthzchild, who was visiting Italy after a sickness and with whom Stefan had become close to.

From what we gather, Damon was intoxicated by Katherine’s beauty and wanted to have her as his own, but also, the opportunity of upsetting his father and Stefan was too good to pass up. Katherine was also enamored by Damon but still loved Stefan and could not choose between them. She told both of them her secret – that she was a vampire – and shared her gift with them.

Damon was enraged that she would not choose him over his brother and demanded (with Stefan) that Katherine choose one of them. When she would not make up her mind the brothers left in anger, and the next day they found Katherine’s ashes in the garden. Both brothers were upset, and blamed the other. Stefan attacked Damon and they fought each other with swords, eventually Damon's sword slipped under Stefan guard and pierced his heart. When Damon stepped over Stefan, we assume to see whether his brother was dead, Stefan with the last of his strength to kill his brother.

The brothers awoke in their tomb a few days later, having turned into vampires by Katherine’s blood. Damon ran out into the night, ignoring Stefan’s cries. We know very little of Damon after that. From what Stefan says to Elena, Damon became the leader of a group of 'free mercenaries' and enjoyed the power that he gained from killing. Over the years, Damon became more powerful and frequently threatened Stefans life.

Later, Damon shows up in Fell’s Church with Stefan, having been lured there by Katherine and the fight for Elena begins between the brothers.