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Welcome to the fanlisting for the silent film The Phantom of the Opera (1925), starring Lon Chaney, as The Phantom, Erik. If you're a fan of this classic movie, please join us! This site is listed with The Fanlistings Network.

Last Update: 19th February 2025
Fans: 24 + 0
Welcome to Scarlet.

Beneath the splendid riches of the Paris Opera House lie ancient catacombs with a dark and forbidden secret. These vast underground rooms and hidden passages were once used as torture chambers to satisfy the blood lust of a crazed population. Rumors abound that the Opera Ghost lives there still, vowing vengeance on the human race.

This site has no affiliation what so ever with The Phantom of the Opera, anyone related to Lon Chaney, Mary Philbin, the producers or cast and crew of the movie. This is just a fansite run for fun and no infringement is intended.

© 2011 Shadowed Dreams - Hosted by 10-31.net