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i n t r o d u c t i o n

Welcome to Enchanting, the fanlisting for Cinderella, from the Disney movie Cinderella, one of the most popular princesses of all time and a lifelong favorite character of mine.

Cinderella is a story about a beautiful young girl who lives with her horrible stepmother and equally wicked stepsisters. They forced her to do all the labor around the house and treat her as if she is a common peasant. Her only true friends are the animals owned by the family which of course this does not include Lucifer, the wicked cat. With the help of her Fairy God Mother, Cinderella falls in love with Prince Charming and marries him at the end of the first movie. If you're a fan of Cinderella, please feel free to join! A fanlisting is a site that lists all the fans of a particular subject, so add your name to the list! (remember to link back if you have a site.)

s t a t i s t i c s

Last update: 24th February 2025
Welcome, Koma

There are currently 385 fans listed, and 0 waiting to be included on the list!

Part of: The Fanlistings Network

s i t e

The fanlisting is owned by Jenn, which was given to me by Hurley ( and is hosted at We are a non-profit site, with our only purpose being to list and bring together fans of the character Cinderella from the 1950 animated Disney movie Cinderella. We do not have any claim on anything having to do with the movie or the character.